Penangan Set Penyusuan Shaklee : Baby Adam Yang Sangat Gebu

Siapalah tak geram tengok pipi putih gebu Adam ni..rasa nak cubit-cubit je kan?

Set Penyusuan Shaklee

Baby Adam, anak kepada kakak senior sekolah menengah saya dulu, Kak Aili.  Baby Adam ni usianya baru mencecah 2bulan. Sewaktu sesi check up bulanan baru-baru ini, nurse di klinik cakap baby Adam hampir obes.

Tapi ibu Adam tak perlu risau sebab Adam memang disusukan sepenuhnya dengan susu ibu. Susu ibu sedap sangat dan Adam memang kuat menyusu. Memang sedaplah kan sebab ibu ambil set penyusuan Shaklee sejak awal menyusukan baby Adam ni.

Sebenarnya ibu Adam memang dah lama amalkan vitamin Shaklee untuk kesihatannya. Bermula dengan vitamin untuk menghilangkan keletihan, dan terus ambil vitamin untuk ibu hamil sepanjang tempoh mengandungkan Adam. Diteruskan lagi dengan set berpantang dan terkini ibu Adam konsisten dengan Set Penyusuan pula.

Adakah baby menyusu hanya susu ibu dikatakan mengalami obesiti?
Ini sedikit ringkasan saya kongsikan daripada website La Leche Leuge 

The Fast-Gaining Breastfed Baby
Facts and Suggestions to Share with Mothers

There is no evidence that a fast-gaining breastfed baby will become an overweight child or adult. In fact, research clearly indicates that breastfeeding protects against obesity later in life.

So, how can a mother help her baby gain weight in a healthy manner?
  1. Exclusively breastfeed for the first six months. Exclusive breastfeeding means that a baby gets only the perfect food. Human milk has no additives, fillers, or empty calories.
  2. Wait until about six months to offer solid foods. Early introduction of solid foods can increase obesity as well as allergies. The American Academy of Pediatrics changed their recommendations several years ago. They clearly state that solids should wait until six months.
  3. When offering solid foods, start with very small amounts and offer them after breastfeeding. Breastfeeding should still be the basis of a baby's diet through the first year. Solids are an addition, not a substitute.
  4. If a baby is fed human milk in a bottle, pace the feedings so that the baby eats slowly and has control over the flow of milk. Take frequent breaks, allowing the baby to take a breath and begin to register his or her level of satiety. Resist the temptation to coax the baby to finish the bottle or just take a little more.
  5. If a baby may be overeating because the mother has too much milk, a La Leche League Leader or a lactation consultant can help a mother learn how to manage her supply.
  6. Remember, genetics play a big role in growth patterns. How quickly did other children gain? Were baby's mother or father big babies? No matter what the child's genetic background, however, breastfeeding gives him or her the best start.
  7. Rarely, some health conditions can lead to excessive weight gain. Mothers should speak with a health care provider about any health concerns.
So ibu-ibu yang ada anak tembam akibat menyusu sepenuhnya susu ibu tu, jangan risau ye. Tidak ada apa apa kesalahan malah anda telah berikan yang terbaik buat bayi sejak dia kecil sehinggalah dia besar nanti.

Kalau nak dapatkan Set Penyusuan Shaklee seperti yang ibu Adam amalkan, ini adalah antara vitamin yang sesuai untuk tempoh penyusuan anda.

Set lengkap untuk tempoh penyusuan anda dan bayi.

Set Triple M Shaklee

Set Penyusuan Budget yang mengandungi ESP dan Afalfa sahaja untuk membantu anda 'boost' penghasilan dan pengeluaran susu ibu.

ESP dan Alfalfa untuk penyusuan susu ibu

Hubungi saya untuk mendapatkan info lanjut dan order tentang mana-mana set yang ibu Adam ambil sepanjang kehamilan sehinggalah penyusuan Adam.

Lydzar Rusman
Shaklee ID : 859948
Call / SMS / Whatsapp : 013 3583424
Contact me: Google Talk lydzar Y! Messenger humble_head
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